Xuying Zhao
Tenneco Professorship in Business Administration
- xzhao@mays.tamu.edu
- 979-845-4248
Ph.D. from University of Texas at DallasBachelor from Zhejiang University
Research Interest
Supply Chain Management, Platform economies, Digital products, Retail industry, Service industryBiography
Xuying Zhao conducts research on supply chain management and interface between operations management and marketing, especially for platform economy, video game, and retail industries. In recent papers, she has investigated theoretical models of video game design and pricing, social media content length and variety control, advance selling strategy, and inventory management with machine learning. Xuying has published many papers in journals such as Management Science, MSOM, POM, Decision Science, and IEEE. She won 2009 eBusiness Best Paper Award from INFORMS. Xuying is an editorial review board member and a senior editor for POM. She has been a track chair or cluster chair of the interface between OM and Marketing for numerous INFORMS and POMS annual conferences.
After gaining a BA in Computer Science from ZheJiang University in China, Xuying has worked for Microsoft. She subsequently earned an M.S. and Ph.D in Management Science from University of Texas at Dallas. Before joining Texas A&M University, Xuying has worked at University of Notre Dame. She has designed and taught many MBA courses, including Process Analytics, Supply Chain Analytics, Digital Supply Chain Innovations, and International Operations.
Research Publications
Z. Gu, X. Zhao, and D. Wu, “A Model of Shoppertainment Live Streaming.” Management Science, forthcoming.
L. Sheng, X. Zhao, and C. Ryan, “Selling bonus actions in video games”, Management Science, forthcoming.
Z. Gu and X. Zhao, “Content Length Limit: How Does It Matter for a Consumer-to-Consumer Media Platform?”, Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
X. Zhao, H. Guo, G. Cai, and S. Bandyopadhyay, “The Role of Expectation-Reality Discrepancy in Mobile Service Contracts”, Production and Operations Management, 30 (11), 4160-4175, (November 2021).
Z. Pang, W. Xiao, and X. Zhao, “Pre-order Price Guarantee in Advance Selling”, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 23 (1), 123-138, (January-February 2021).
H. Guo, X. Zhao, L. Hao, and D. Liu, “Economic Analysis of Reward Advertising”, Production and Operations Management, 28 (10), 2413-2430, (October 2019).
X. Zhao, A. Lim, H. Guo, C. Ding, and J. Song, “Retail Clusters in Developing Economies”, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 21 (2), 452-467, (Spring 2019).
X. Zhao, Z. Pang, and K. Stecke, “When Does Advance Selling Benefit Manufacturer, Retailer, or Both”, Production and Operations Management, 25 (6), 1073-1087, (June 2016).
S. O’Neil, X. Zhao, D. Sun, and J. Wei, “A Machine-Learning Meta-Algorithm for Newsvendor Problems with Limited Demand Information and Demand Shocks”, Decision Science, Volume 47 (1), 125-156, (February 2016).
D. Yu, X. Zhao, D. Sun, “Optimal Pricing and Capacity Investment for Lead Time Sensitive Demand”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60 (1), 124-136, (February 2013).
J. Ryan, D. Sun, and X. Zhao, “Coordinating a Supply Chain with a Manufacturer-Owned Online Channel: A Dual Channel Model under Price Competition”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60 (2), 247-259, (May 2013).
J. Ryan, D. Sun, and X. Zhao, “Competition and Coordination in Online Marketplaces”, Production and Operations Management, 21, 997-1014, (November 2012).
X. Zhao, K. Stecke, and A. Prasad, “Lead Time and Price Quotation Mode Selection: Uniform or Differentiated?”, Production and Operations Management, 21(1), 177-193, (January/February 2012).
A. Prasad, K. Stecke, and X. Zhao, “Advance Selling by a Newsvendor Retailer”, Production and Operations Management, 20 (1), 129–142, (January/February 2011).
X. Zhao and K. Stecke, “Pre-orders for New To-Be-Released Products Considering Consumer Loss Aversion”, Production and Operations Management, 19 (1), 198-215, (March/April 2010).
K. Stecke and X. Zhao, “Production and Transportation Integration for a Make-to-Order Manufacturing Company with a Commit-to-Delivery Business Mode,” Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 9(2), 206-224, (Spring 2007).