Faculty and Doctoral Student Resources
We offer resources for our students and faculty helping them learn and gain access to international experiences. For our faculty we offer trip funding and research grant information.

CIBS Funding for Travel
All applications for domestic and foreign travel funding must be submitted no later than 60 days prior to travel in order for us to review your application and obtain federal approval for travel funding. This includes travel to Canada and Mexico.
The Center for International Business Studies (CIBS) has a limited amount of travel funds to partially support Mays faculty and doctoral students for presenting international business research papers at recognized conferences.
Preference will be given to Mays faculty and doctoral students who have received partial financial support from their department or from other sources. Grants will be limited to a maximum of $1,000 for domestic conferences and $1,500 for conferences held abroad.
Step 1: Application Guidelines for Funding International Business Travel
Please prepare the following information in written form and submit at least 60 days prior to travel or data collection.
- Your name, status (e.g. faculty or doctoral student, rank), and complete address including telephone number, email address, and mail stop number.
- Name, location, and dates of travel. Is this an annual meeting or a special conference?
- Outline your planned activities. If presenting a paper, please provide the title of the international business research paper and whether the conference organizers have accepted the paper. Identify any co-authors of the paper and whether they will also be attending the conference. Only one author will be eligible for funding. CIBS will not provide travel support for presentation of the same IB paper at different conferences. In addition, travel funds will not be available for participation as discussant and session chairs.
- Do you have alternative sources of funding (e.g., from your department, professorship), the College or from any other source? If yes, please state the amounts available and sources of funding.
- Have you received travel funds from CIBS over the past 12 months? If yes, please detail the amounts, dates, and purposes/deliverables.
- Outline the benefits that you, your department, and CIBS would receive from your activity.
- Prepare an estimated travel budget. Include (1) registration fees, (2) meals and accommodations, (3) transportation costs, and (4) any other costs. Deduct the amounts available from other sources, and identify the amount requested from CIBS.
- Provide any other information you consider relevant to this decision.
- Submit application to: Katy Lane, Director, CIBS, 230 Wehner, Mail Stop 4116 at least 60 days in advance of the travel date. Please route your request through your department head.
Each funding application will be reviewed and you will receive an email notification regarding the application status and CIBS commitment.
Note: Foreign Travel Approval: Approval for travel funds must be acquired prior to travel or purchase of airline tickets. There are two Foreign Travel Approvals: 1) TAMU approval and 2) Federal USDE approval. NOTE: Failure to receive federal foreign travel approval PRIOR to travel will result in non-reimbursement of your expenses.
- TAMU travel approval is required for ALL foreign travel. Employees need to submit the appropriate travel request in Concur application at the Single Sign On (SSO) website. TAMU travel rules can be found here.
- Federal Approval: The USDE must approve all foreign travel that will be reimbursed using Federal funds (CIBER grant funding). Please contact CIBS as soon as you receive your CIBS commitment, but no later than 45 days prior to your travel by email so that we may request USDE travel approval. This approval is required for travel to Mexico and Canada as well.
Step 2: Once Funding Has Been Awarded
CIBS International Business Research Travel Funding uses our CIBER federal funds, which have very specific guidelines that must be strictly followed. Therefore, the faculty member receiving the commitment should contact the CIBS Business Coordinator for funding guidelines at least 45 days prior to traveling. Visit the CIBS Travel Resources page for important information in planning your trip.
Step 3: Submitting Your Expenses for Reimbursement
After the travel is complete, the employee needs to submit the expense report in Concur according to TAMU travel policies and procedures. Please contact CIBS Business Coordinator for accounting and other relevant information.
Guidelines for submitting your expenses:
- Original receipts must be submitted for lodging, airfare, registration, rental cars, etc.
- Use Texas Hotel Tax Exemption Certificate and Texas Sales Tax Exemption Certificate when traveling within Texas.
- Use of American carriers on foreign trips is required for airfare reimbursement. Contact the CIBS office for details.
- Reimbursement rates for lodging and M&IE for domestic and foreign travel must fall within federal guidelines for per diem rates for specific travel destinations.
- Travelers are required to use state contract vendors for domestic lodging, airfare and car rental if the use of these vendors results in lower total travel costs. Travelers must provide a justifiable reason for not using a contract vendor if the contract vendor costs less than an alternative vendor.
CIBS FUNDING NOTICE: CIBS funding commitments do not carry forward and may not be used for another project or other travel that has not been specifically described in your application.
If circumstances change and you cannot make the trip for which you have received the CIBS commitment, we request that you notify the CIBS Business Coordinator so we can cancel the CIBS commitment. If you need funding for future International Business research-related travel, you are welcome to submit a new application for that travel.
CIBS Funding For Research
International Business Research Funding
All researchers conducting research that involves human subjects — including existing data in which the person can be identified, all surveys, questionnaires, interviews, etc., — must complete the Texas A&M University Application for Use of Human Subject in Research before the research is conducted. For additional information and application process, please visit the Office of Research Compliance.
CIBS Funding
CIBS funding commitments do not carry forward to the following year and may not be used for another project or other travel that has not been specifically described and approved in an application for CIBS funding.
CIBS will award research grants only after applicants have provided documentation showing they have received approval from the Texas A&M Institutional Review Board. (This approval process is not required for IB research travel grants that do not include data collection.)
Step 1: Application Guidelines for Funding International Business Research
In addition to completing the Texas A&M University Application for Use of Human Subject in Research, researchers requesting CIBS funding must prepare the following information in written form and submit it at least 45 days in advance of the intended travel or data collection. (Please Note: This funding is only available for Mays Business School faculty or doctoral students.)
- Your name, status (e.g. Mays faculty or doctoral students, rank) and complete address including telephone number, email address and mail stop number.
- Outline your planned IB research activities. Identify any co-authors associated with the research and how much funding they have obtained from other sources.
- Identify partial support from alternative funding sources (e.g., from your department, professorship, the Mays Business School, Texas A&M or elsewhere). If you have secured alternate funds, please indicate the amount available and source of funding. If you have not, please explain briefly why alternative funds are not available.
- Have you received travel or research funds from CIBS during the past 12 months? If yes, please detail the amounts, dates and purpose.
- Outline the benefits that you, your department, and Mays Business School may receive from your activity.
- Provide a detailed budget. Include costs associated with (1) surveys, (2) international databases, (3) meals and accommodations, (4) transportation costs, and (5) other research costs. Deduct the amounts available from other sources, and identify the amount requested from CIBS.
- Provide any other information you consider relevant to this decision.
- Submit the above information in written form to: Katy Lane, Director, CIBS, 230 Wehner, Mail Stop 4116. (Note: Please submit this information at least 45 days in advance of the intended travel or data collection.) Please route your request through your department head.
Each funding application will be reviewed for the U.S. Department of Education’s approval. Ms. Lane will reply by email notification regarding the application status and CIBS commitment.
Step 2: Once Funding Has Been Awarded
Any faculty members or doctoral students approved for CIBS funding should contact the CIBS Business Coordinator on funding specifications and guidelines before traveling or making any purchases they intend to apply against their CIBS funding commitment.
Step 3: Submitting Research Expenses for Reimbursement
Once research activities are completed, researchers should contact the CIBS Business Coordinator. Employees and students are reimbursed according to TAMU policies and procedures.