Solving World Problems

Date: April 11, 2025

Solving World Problems 2025 is a single day event. A specific problem related to healthcare access will be provided over breakfast beginning at 8:00 a.m. at Mays Business School, specific location is to be determined. Student teams will have from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to follow a problem solving process to craft a solution and prepare a pitch. Presentations will take place from 3:00-5:00 p.m. with the winning team(s) announced at 5:00 p.m.

Students on team hold prize for winning competition.

How The Competition Works

Students can register individually and then be assigned to a team, or they can register as part of team, but everyone participating must register. Teams can be 2-4 people.
Teams will be given the problem solving challenge at the beginning of the event. Over the next few hours they will define a problem, gather and analyze data, come up with an idea, and implement a final solution. They will have a time to meet with an advisor, show their presentation, and receive feedback.
At the final presentation, teams will show their present their problem and solutions. Winners will earn cash prizes and be honored at the April 22 End of Year Banquet for the Reynolds and Reynolds Sales Leadership Institute.
Students presenting.

Student Registration

Registration is coming soon.