Directory  »  Faculty  »  Anupam Agrawal

Photo of Anupam Agrawal

Anupam Agrawal

Associate Professor
Research Fellow at the Mosbacher Institute at Bush School of Government and Public Service


PhD, INSEAD, France, 2008
MS, INSEAD, France, 2006
MBA, IIM Calcutta, India, 1994
B.Tech, IIT Kanpur, India, 1992


Dr. Agrawal researches, teaches and has worked in the arena of Supply Chain Management (SCM).

In a career spanning over a decade in the industry, he has worked in various areas of SCM, specifically procurement, supplier development, and new product development, with ITW Signode Inc, Procter & Gamble, and Tata Motors.  His empirical research with firms such as Tata Motors, Tata Daewoo, BMW, and Knorr Bremse focused on procurement, sourcing of modular components and learning between buyers and suppliers, and has informed the practice of supply chain at these firms.  He advises the Government of India on streamlining the Public Distribution System and improving the efficacy of the Mid-Day Meal scheme. He also works with startups such as Technosys and Edunirvana on their strategic positioning, and Acuva Technologies on their supply chain strategy.

His academic research has three streams. The first stream focuses on SCM with special interest themes of learning & depreciation of learning (or forgetting) in supply chains, retailing & returns, healthcare, and sustainability. In this stream, he has published in academic journals such as Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, California Management Review, Production and Operations Management, and Journal of Cleaner Production. The second stream looks at how firms can benefit from better raw materials sourcing and new manufacturing techniques for producing these raw materials, including Nanomachining. In this stream, he has published in academic journals such as  Wear, Computational Materials Science, Precision Engineering, and the Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. His third research stream centers around social issues such as combating crimes against women and managing healthcare in underserved areas; he is actively researching in this arena.

He teaches courses in the arena of Operations Management at Mays to Ph.D., MBA, and Undergraduate students. He has received many teaching awards including Best Course Taught (Supply Chain Management) and Favorite Professor by MSTM 2013 class at UIUC and has been on the Excellent teachers’ list of UIUC for all seven years that he has taught there (2008-2015). He was also nominated for the Teaching Excellence Award for Undergraduate Teaching in 2012. At Mays, his evaluations have averaged around 4.8 out of 5 for the last seven years across undergraduate, MBA, MS and Ph.D. courses. He has written several case studies for his classes. Two case studies in public domain are : 1. The Patel Motel – A Tale of Entrepreneurship and 2. Abdul the Newsboy

He reviews regularly for Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production & Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management and European Journal of Operational Research. He received the POMS Best Reviewer award in 2016 and M&SOM Meritorious Service Award in 2017. He was the editor of POMS  Chronicle for 2018-2020.

Dr. Agrawal is very actively involved with the education of underprivileged children, specifically with (a) Laxmi Ashram, an organization in Kausani hills in India, that works for the education of underprivileged girls, and (b) Anjali School, located in the city of Varanasi in India, that works for the education of orphans and the poorest of the poor.

Dr. Agrawal currently holds the Research Fellow position at the Mosbacher Institute at the Bush School of Government and Service. Read his policy briefs: 1.  Call of the Pandemic: Rethinking Global Value Chains and 2. A New Initiative in India Empowers Women and Combats Harassment.

Here is Dr. Agrawal’s Podcast, wherein he offers a deep dive into the future of manufacturing and digital transformation. He explores the importance of digitalization, the challenges of adopting new technologies, and the necessity of close collaboration between academia and industry.

Dr. Agrawal is an active member of the University Grievance Committee, the University Honors & Undergraduate Research Advisory Committee, and the University Academic Freedom Council. In these roles, he contributes to grievance redressal, advises on Honors and Undergraduate Research standards, and supports evaluations and guidance on academic freedom issues.

Research Publications

  1. Quadir, A., Raj, A. and Agrawal, A. (2024). Information sharing in a green supply chain: a bane or a boon?, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
  2. Khatri N., Barkachary B.M., Singh S., Manjunath K., Chandra N., Armstrong J., Agrawal A., Goel S. 2024. Diamond machining of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V ELI: Newer mode of material removal challenging the current simulation tools, Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 120: 378-390
  3. Viswanathan V., McCloskey A., Mathur R., Nguyen D.T., Faisal N., Prathuru A., Llavori I., Murphy A., Tiwari A., Matthews A., Agrawal A., Saurav Goel S. 2024. Machine learning model of acoustic signatures: Towards digitalised thermal spray manufacturing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 208.
  4. Priya B., Biswas I., Agrawal A. 2023. The over-ordering problem in trade credit: Role of return policies. European Journal of Operational Research, 309(2):731-744.
  5. Gupta, S., Agrawal, A., Ryan, J.K. 2022. Agile contracting: Managing incentives under uncertain needs Production and Operations Management, 32(3):972-988.
  6. Ertekin N., Agrawal A. 2021. How does a Return Period Policy Change affect Multichannel Retailer Profitability? Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(1):210-229.
  7. Pana Y., Zhoua P. , Yana Y. , Agrawal A., Wanga Y., Guo D., Goel S. 2021. New Insights into the Methods for Predicting Ground Surface Roughness in the Age of Digitalisation. Precision Engineering. 67: 393-418.
  8. Goel S., Hawi S., Goel G., Thakur V.K., Agrawal A., Pearce O., Hoskins C., Hussain T., Upadhyaya H.M., Cross G., Barber A.H. 2020. Resilient and Agile Engineering Solutions to Address Societal Challenges such as Coronavirus Pandemic. Materials Today- Chemistry, 17:September.
  9. Agrawal, A., Mukherjee, K., Muthulingam, S. 2020. Does Organizational Forgetting Affect Quality Knowledge Gained Through Spillover? Production and Operations Management, 29(4):904-934.
  10. Goel G., Kalamdhad A., Agrawal A. 2018. Parameter Optimization for Producing Fired bricks using Organic Solid Wastes, Journal of Cleaner Production, 205 (20):836-844.
  11. Goel S., Cross G., Stukowski A., Gamsjger A., Beake B., Agrawal A. 2018. Designing nanoindentation simulation studies by appropriate indenter choices: Case study on single crystal Tungsten. Computational Materials Science. 152: 196-210.
  12. Agrawal, A., Muthulingam S., Rajapakshe T. 2017. How Sourcing of Interdependent Components affects Quality in Automotive Supply Chains. Production and Operations Management, 26(8), 1512-1533.
  13. Muthulingam, S., Agrawal, A. 2016. Does Quality Knowledge Spillover at Shared Suppliers? ­ An Empirical Investigation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 18(4):525 – 544.
  14. Kwon, H. , Xu, W. , Agrawal, A., Muthulingam, S. 2016. Impact of Bayesian Learning and Externalities on Strategic Investment. Management Science, 62(2): 550 – 570.
  15. Agrawal, A., Kwon, H. , Kim Y., Muthulingam, S. 2016. Investment in Shared Suppliers: Effect of Learning, Spillover, and Competition. Production and Operations Management, 25(4):736-750.
  16. Agrawal, A., Bhattacharya, S., Hasija, S. 2016. Cost-reducing Innovation and the Role of Patent Intermediaries in Increasing Market Efficiency. Production and Operations Management, 25(2):173-191.
  17. Agrawal, A., Muthulingam, S. 2015. Does Organizational Forgetting affect Vendor Quality Performance? – An Empirical Investigation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 17(3):350-367.
  18. Agrawal A., Goel S., Rashid W., and Price M. 2015. Prediction of surface roughness during hard turning of AISI 4340 steel (69 HRC). Applied Soft Computing. 30, 279-286.
  19. Goel S., Luo X., Agrawal A., and Reuben R. 2015. Diamond machining of silicon: A review of advances in molecular dynamics simulation. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. 88, 131-164.
  20. Agrawal, A., Wassenhove, L., De Meyer, A. 2014. The Sourcing Hub and Upstream Supplier Networks. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 16(2): 238-250.
  21. Agrawal, A. 2014. Managing Raw Material in Supply Chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 239: 685-698.
  22. Agrawal, A., De Meyer, A., Wassenhove, L. 2014. Managing Value in Supply Chain – Case Studies on the Sourcing Hub Concept. California Management Review, 56: 23-54.
  23. Goel S., Agrawal A., and Faisal, N. 2014. Can a carbon nano-coating resist metallic phase transformation in silicon substrate during nanoimpact? Wear. 315, 38-41.
  24. Goel S., Joshi S., Abdelal, G., and Agrawal A. 2014. Molecular dynamics simulation of nanoindentation of Fe 3 C and Fe 4 C. Materials Science and Engineering (A). 597, 331-341.
  25. Goel S., Faisal N., Ratia V., Agrawal A., and Stukowski A. 2013. Atomistic Investigation on the Structure-Property Relationship during Thermal Spray Nanoparticle Impact Computational Materials Science. 84, 163-174.
  26. Goel S., Rashid W., Luo X., Agrawal A., and Jain V. 2013. A Theoretical Assessment of Surface Defect Machining and Hot Machining of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 136(2).
  27. Goel S., Stukowski A., Luo X., Agrawal A., and Reuben R. 2013. Anisotropy of Single Crystal 3C-SiC during Nanometric Cutting. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 21(6).
  28. Goel S., Yan J., Luo X., and Agrawal A. 2013. Incipient Plasticity in 4H-SiC during Quasistatic Nanoindentation. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 34, 330-337.
  29. MFR Kets De Vries, P Vrignaud, A Agrawal, E Florent-Treacy. 2010. Development and application of the leadership archetype questionnaire. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 21 (15), 2848-2863.
  30. Agrawal A. 2009. Product Networks, Component Modularity and Sourcing. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation. 4 (1):59-8
  31. ME Sosa, A Agrawal, SD Eppinger, CM Rowles. 2005. A Network Approach to Define Modularity of Product Components. 17th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, 435-446.