Leonard L. Berry
Regents Professor
M.B. Zale Chair in Retailing and Marketing Leadership
Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence
Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
- berryle@tamu.edu
- 979-845-0804
- Wehner 201P
PhD Arizona State University, 1968MBA University of Denver, 1965
BA University of Denver, 1964
Research Interest
Services Marketing, Service Quality, Healthcare ServiceBiography
Dr. Leonard L. Berry is University Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Regents Professor, and holds the M.B. Zale Chair in Retailing and Marketing Leadership in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. He also is a Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence. As a Visiting Scientist at Mayo Clinic in 2001-2002, he conducted an in-depth research study of healthcare service, the basis for his book, Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic (2008). He also has done in-residence field research at Gundersen Health System, ThedaCare, and Bellin Health System, all in Wisconsin, and at Henry Ford Health in Detroit, Michigan. Concurrent with his faculty position in Mays Business School, Dr. Berry is a Senior Fellow of the Boston-based Institute for Healthcare Improvement, studying service improvement in cancer care, and is an Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark.
Professor Berry has published 13 books in all, including: Discovering the Soul of Service; On Great Service; Marketing Services: Competing Through Quality; and Delivering Quality Service. He is the author of numerous academic articles and an invited lecturer throughout the world.
Professor Berry’s teaching and research contributions have been widely recognized with honors that include The Sheth Gold Medal; The American Marketing Association (AMA) William Wilkie “Marketing for a Better World” Award; the Paul D. Converse Award; the AMA/McGraw-Hill/Irwin Distinguished Marketing Educator Award; the AMA Career Contributions to Services Marketing Award; and the Academy of Marketing Science Outstanding Marketing Educator Award. He is a Fellow of both the American Marketing Association and the Academy of Marketing Science. In 2024, he received the Texas A&M Foundation’s Partner in Philanthropy Award as well as Texas A&M’s Southeastern Conference Faculty Achievement Award. He also has received the University’s Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching (1990) and the Distinguished Achievement Award in Research (1996 and 2008). In 2014, he was inducted into Arizona State University’s Carey School of Business Hall of Fame, the first doctoral graduate to be selected, and in 2015 the Mays Business School at Texas A&M awarded him the Lifetime Achievement Award for Research and Scholarship. Dr. Berry has received nine Best Article awards, including two for publications having long-term impact in the marketing discipline: the 2023 ACR-Sheth Award for an article published in 1996 and the 2022 AMS Parasuraman Award for an article published in 1995. Dr. Berry has the distinction of being the most frequently cited author in the Texas A&M University System.
A former national president of the American Marketing Association, Dr. Berry founded the Center for Retailing Studies at Texas A&M in 1982 and served as its director through 2000.
Research Publications
“Never-Words: What Not to Say to Patients With Serious Illness”, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, October 2024, pp. 1553-1557, (with Rana Awdish, Gillian Grafton)
“Social Profit Orientation: Lessons from Organizations Committed to Building a Better World”, Journal of Marketing, published online ahead of print May 19, 2024, (with T. Danaher, T. Keiningham, L. Aksoy, T. Andreassen)
“Shared decision making with breast cancer patients – does it work? Results of the cluster-randomized, multicenter DBCG RT SDM trial.” Radiotherapy & Oncology, Published Online February 3, 2024, (with Stine Rauff Sondergaard, Troels Beckmann, Else Maae, Anders W. Molby Nielsen, Mette Holck Nielsen, Mette Moller, Signe Timm, Ebbe Laugaard Lorenzen, Robert Zachariae, Birgitte Vrou Offerson, Karina Dahl Steffensen.)
“Critical U.S. Health Systems Are in Jeopardy. Businesses and Governments Need to Help.” Harvard Business Review, Published Online January 31, 2024, (with Robert Riney and Bruce Siegel).
“Community Health Partners in Unexpected Places,” Mayo Clinic Proceedings, December 2023, pp.1833-1841 (with Michael K. Hole, Sunjay Letchuman, and Allister Chang).
“Reclaiming Healthcare’s Healing Mission for a Sustainable Future,” Journal of Service Research, February, 2024, pp. 6-27 (with Manjit Yadav and Michael Hole).
“Improving How Clinicians Communicate with Patients: An Integrative Review and Framework,” Journal of Service Research, November 2023, pp.493-510 (with Tracey S. Danaher, Ray Charles “Chuck” Howard, Sarah Moore, and Deanna J. Attai).
“In Reply: Where Reshaping Communications in Healthcare Service Begins,” Journal of Service Research, December 2023, pp.517-520 (with Tracey S. Danaher, Ray Charles “Chuck” Howard, Sarah Moore, and Deanna J. Attai).
“A More Humane Model for Eldercare in the U.S.,” Harvard Business Review, published online June 2023 (with Mary Naber, Sunjay Letchuman, and Peter Fitzgerald).
“Learning from the Pioneering Founders of the Service Research Field” Journal of Service Management, June 2023, pp. 605-630 (with David Bowen, Ray Fisk, John E.G. Bateson, Mary Jo Bitner, Stephen W. Brown, Richard B. Chase, Bo Edvardsson, Christian Grönroos, A. Parasuraman, Benjamin Schneider, Valarie A. Zeithaml).
“How Hospitals Improve Health Equity Through Community-Centered Innovation,” NEJM Catalyst, published online March 2023 (with Sunjay Letchuman, Joneigh Khaldun, Michael Hole).
“Mitigating Moral Injury for Palliative Care Clinicians,” Palliative Medicine Reports, February 2023, pp.24-27 (with Anne Pereira, Mark Linzer).
“A Framework for Designing Excellent Virtual Health Care,” Harvard Business Review, published online April 2022 (with Anaeze C. Offodile II, Manjit S. Yadav, Rebecca L. Kaul).
“Revising the Internal Revenue Service’s Nonprofit Hospital Community Benefit Reporting Standard,” Health Affairs Forefront, published online April 2022 (with Sunjay Letchuman, Michael K. Hole, Ge Bai).
“Reinvention and Inspiration: How I Evolved as a Researcher,” in Reflections of Eminent Marketing Scholars, Dawn Iacobucci (ed), published online March 2022, pp. 32-36.
“5 Ways to Restore Depleted Health Care Workers,” Harvard Business Review, published online February 2022 (with Rana L.A. Awdish, Stephen J. Swensen).
“Advancing Human Health, Safety, and Well-Being with Healthy Buildings,” Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy, published online January 2022 (with Sarah O. Marberry, Robin Guenther).
“When the Aims and Ends of Healthcare Misalign,” Journal of Service Research, January 2022 pp.160-184 (with Deanna Attai, Debra Scammon, and Rana Awdish). (RRBM Honor Roll Recipient) (Finalist for 2023 Best Article Award for Journal of Service Research).
“The High Stakes of Outsourcing in Healthcare,” Mayo Clinic Proceedings, November 2021 pp.2879-2890 (with Sunjay Letchuman, Nandini Ramani, Paul Barach).
“Why Health Care Systems Should Invest in Medical Malls,” Harvard Business Review, published online November 2021 (with Kedar S. Mate, Sunjay Letchuman).
“Trust-Based Partnerships Are Essential – and Achievable – in Health Care Service,” Mayo Clinic Proceedings, July 2021 pp.1896-1906 (with Rana Awdish, Karina Dahl-Steffensen, Sunjay Letchuman), Editor’s Choice Selection.
“The Invisible Roles of Oncology Nurses in Shared Decision Making,” Cancer Care Research Online, published online April 2021 (with Karina Dahl Steffensen, Karina Olling, Dawn Stacey).
“Shared Decision Making with Breast Cancer Patients: Impact on Patient Engagement and Fear of Recurrence. Protocol for Danish Randomized Trial in Radiotherapy,” Acta Oncologica, May 19, 2021, pp. 1032-1037 (with Stine Rauff Sondergaard, Louise Baad Ellekjaer, Troels, Bechmann, Birgitte Vrou Offerson, Metter Holck Neilsen, Metter Moller, Robert Zacharie, Karina Dahl Steffensen).
“Encouraging Business Scholars to Address Issues Facing Society,” AACSB Insights, published online February 2021 (with David Reibstein, Frank Wijen, Luk Van Wassenhove, Chris Voss, Anders Gustafsson, Ann Vereecke, Ruth Bolton).
“Healthcare Organizations Should Be as Generous As Their Workers,” Annals of Internal Medicine, October 2020; in print, January 2021 pp. 103-105 (with Rana Awdish).
“An ‘Essential Services’ Workforce on Crisis Response,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, May 2020; in print, January 2021 pp.92-93 (with Brad Stuart).
“Designing ‘Connection’ Into Healthcare Services,” Journal of Service Management, October 2020 pp. 861-868.
“Creating Value through Quality Service,” Organizational Dynamics, November 2020 pp. 26-31 (with Janet Parish and Altay Dikec).
“Service Safety in the Pandemic Age,” Journal of Service Research, November 2020 pp. 391-395, (with Tracey S. Danaher, Lerzan Aksoy, Timothy L. Keiningham).
“Customer Support Services’ Next Horizon: A Commentary,” European Journal of Marketing, July 2020 pp. 1805-1806.
“When Cancer Centers Mislead Prospective Patients,” JCO Oncology Practice, May 2020 pp. 219-222 (with Timothy Keiningham, Lerzan Aksoy, Katie Deming).
“Proposing a Bill of Rights for Patients with Cancer,” JCO Oncology Practice, March 2020 pp. 121-123 (with Joe Jacobson, Karina Dahl Steffensen, Deanna Attai).
“Using Evidence to Design Cancer Care Facilities,” American Journal of Medical Quality, September/October 2020 pp. 397-404 (with Jonathan Crane, Katie A. Deming, and Paul Barach).
“Is it Time to Reconsider the Term Cancer Survivor?” Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, Number 4, 2019 pp. 413-426 (with Scott W. Davis, Andrea Godfrey Flynn, Jeffrey Landercasper and Katie A. Deming).
“Service Innovation is Urgent in Healthcare,” AMS Review, June 2019 pp. 78-92.
“Putting Healing Back at the Center of Health Care,” Harvard Business Review (Online), May 2019 (with Rana Awdish).
“Finding Hope and Healing When Cure is Not Possible,” Mayo Clinic Proceedings, April 2019,
pp. 677-685 (with Brad Stuart, Tracey Danaher, and Rana Awdish).
“Service Guarantees Have a Place in Healthcare,” Annals of Internal Medicine, January 15, 2019, pp. 116-117.
“Improving Nonclinical and Clinical-Support Services: Lessons from Oncology,” Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality, & Outcomes, September 2018, pp. 207-217 (with Katie Deming and Tracey Danaher).
“Pricing Hybrid Bundles by Understanding the Drivers of Willingness-To-Pay,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, May 2018, pp. 497-515 (with Venky Shankar and Jeffrey Meyer).
“Lessons in Integrating Shared Decision Making into Cancer Care,” Journal of Oncology Practice, April 2018, pp.229-235 (with Karina Steffensen, Mette Vinter, Dorthe Cruger, Kathrina Dankl, Angela Coulter, Brad Stuart).
“Making Time to Really Listen to Your Patients,” Harvard Business Review (Online), October 9, 2017 (with Rana Awdish).
“Role of Kindness in Cancer Care,” Journal of Oncology Practice, November 2017, pp. 744-750 (with Tracey S. Danaher, Robert A. Chapman, and Rana Awdish).
“When Patients and Their Families Feel Like Hostages to Health Care,” Mayo Clinic Proceedings, September 2017, pp. 1373-1381 (with Tracy S. Danaher, Dan Beckham, Rana Awdish, and Kedar S. Mate). Winner of the American Marketing Association Distinguished Winner of the AMA/EBSCO Responsible Research in Marketing Best Article Award, 2021
“How a Child with Cancer Moved from Vulnerability to Resilience,” Journal of Clinical Oncology, September 2017, pp. 3169-3171 (with Tracey S. Danaher, Sarah R. Brand, Lucy S.S. Pickard, and Jennifer W. Mack).
“Giving Seriously Ill Patients More Choices About Their Care,” Harvard Business Review (Online), May 23, 2017 (with Brad Stuart).
“How Service Companies Can Earn Customer Trust and Keep It,” Harvard Business Review (Online), April 19, 2017.
“The Dual Nature of Hope at the End of Life,” British Medical Journal Opinion (Online), April 13, 2017 (with Brad Stuart and Avis Begoun).
“Practical Ideas for Improving the Quality of Hospice Care,” Journal of Palliative Medicine, May 2017, pp. 449-452 (with Brad Stuart and Stephen Connor).
“Supporting the Supporters: What Family Caregivers Need to Care for a Loved One with Cancer,” Journal of Oncology Practice, January 2017, pp. 35-41 (with Shraddha Dalwadi and Joe Jacobson).
“Essentials for Improving Service Quality in Cancer Care,” Healthcare, December 20, 2016, pp. 312-316 (with Kedar Mate).
“What Adult Cancer Care Can Learn from Pediatrics,” Journal of Oncology Practice, September 2016, pp. 765-767 (with Sarah R. Brand, Lucy Pickard, and Jennifer W. Mack).
“The New Diagnosis Bundle: Improving Care Delivery for Patients with Newly Diagnosed Cancer,” Journal of Oncology Practice, May 2016, pp. 404-406 (with Joseph Jacobson and Lisa Rotenstein).
“Managing the Clues in Cancer Care,” Journal of Oncology Practice, May 2016, pp. 407-410 (with Joseph Jacobson and Brad Stuart).
“The Branding of Palliative Care,” Journal of Oncology Practice, January 2016, pp. 48-50 (with Robyn Castellani and Brad Stuart).
“Revisiting ‘Big Ideas in Services Marketing’ 30 Years Later,” Journal of Services Marketing, January 2016, pp. 3-6.
“When the Customer is Stressed,” Harvard Business Review, October 2015, pp. 86-94 (with Scott W. Davis and Jody Wilmet).
“You Say You Want a Revolution? Drawing on Social Movement Theory to Motivate Transformative Change,” Journal of Service Research, August 2015, pp. 336-350 (with Ann Mirabito).
“Strategic Teamwork in Healthcare: The Essential Role of Physicians,” Physician Executive Journal, March/April 2015, pp. 34-38 (with Dan Beckham, John Feussner, and Victor Trastek).
“Motivating Customers to Adhere to Expert Advice in Professional Services: A Medical Service Context,” Journal of Service Research, February 2015, pp. 39-58 (with Kathleen Seiders, Andrea G. Flynn, and Kelly L. Haws).
“Improving Service Quality in Primary Care,” American Journal of Medical Quality, Jan./Feb. 2015, pp. 45-51 (with Denise Kennedy, Jon Nordrum, Frederick Edwards, and Richard Caselli).