STEM to Stocks

The STEM to Stocks Club is a subsidiary of the MS Finance Program which provides a platform to teach and mentor high-performing STEM students about business and how it will enhance their future careers. Current students help teach members soft skills, which aren’t historically incorporated into STEM degrees. These soft skills include Resume Writing, Interviewing, Presentation Skills, Elevator Pitch and Networking. Membership is free.

Stem to Stocks logo.


Recruitment begins at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. Contact if you are interested in joining.

Perks of Being A Member:

  • Networking
  • Financial Business Lectures
  • Exclusive access to Mays Business School clubs & events
  • Career Readiness Workshops
  • Access to master’s level faculty and students
  • Exclusive MSF Recruiting Opportunities

STEM To Stocks President

Hayden Horn
Industrial & Systems Engineering ’25, MSF ’26
Hometown: Dallas, TX

Summer ’24 Internship: Texas Instruments: Worldwide Procurement & Logistics Intern
Summer ’25 Internship: Texas Instruments: Business & Operations Intern