Certificate in Latin American Business
The Certificate in Latin American Business is designed to provide Mays Business School undergraduate students the opportunity to gain a better understanding of Latin American business by studying its history, politics, language, and business models.

Certificate Requirements

This certificate requires coursework that can be integrated as part of the undergraduate business curriculum. A Latin American international experience is also required along with a demonstration of the ability to conduct business transactions in Spanish or Portuguese.
Certificate Details
Credit Hours: 21
Experience Abroad: 1 month or longer
Fluent in Spanish or Portuguese
Eligible Applicants: All Mays Undergraduate Majors
Our certificate coursework is designed to be practical no matter your career plans. The program will improve your critical thinking, analytics, and expand your opportunities with professionals. Talk to your advisor or the program team to learn if this certificate is right for you.


The Center for International Business Studies (CIBS) is responsible for internationalizing the business programs at Mays Business School. Within the CIBS framework, a U.S. Department of Education-designed Center for International Business Education (CIBE) has operated at Texas A&M since 1990. CIBEs are established at selected universities to improve America’s capacity for international understanding and economic enterprise by providing enhanced international business education, research, and outreach activities that help U.S. businesses compete effectively in the rapidly expanding global market.
CIBS has established various student exchange and study abroad programs with universities worldwide that allow Texas A&M students and faculty to develop and share their knowledge and experiences with people from other universities, cultures, and nations.