Directory  »  Faculty  »  Srikanth Paruchuri

Photo of Srikanth Paruchuri

Srikanth Paruchuri

Department Head
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Whatley '47 Chair in Business


PhD Columbia University in New York
MIB Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi, India
B.Tech. National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India

Research Interest

Firm innovation, R&D capabilities, social networks, organizational misconduct, entrepreneurship, organizational adaptation

Courses Taught

Strategic Entrepreneurship
Business & Corporate Strategy


Dr. Paruchuri holds Mr. & Mrs. James R. Whatley ’47 Chair in Business at Texas A&M’s Mays Business School. His work focuses on innovation, entrepreneurship, and organizational misconduct scandals. The stream focused on innovation investigates evolution of organizational capabilities (specifically R&D capabilities), technologies, and technological industries from diverse theoretical perspectives including social networks (of individual scientists and of firms). The stream on entrepreneurship examines drivers of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship-related outcomes. Examples include changes in levels of county-level entrepreneurship after World Trade Center attack and changes in levels and types of Zip code-level entrepreneurship surrounding entry of Walmart. Research on organizational misconduct investigates positive and negative consequences to perpetrators and innocent bystander firms and strategies adopted by them to benefit from or overcome those consequences. His work has appeared or forthcoming in Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, American Sociological Review, Economic Geography Journal, Journal of Management Studies and other prestigious outlets. He served as an Associate Editor of Academy of Management Journal and currently serves on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal and Organization Science. Prior to joining Mays, he was a tenured faculty member at Smeal College of Business (at the Pennsylvania State University) and Warrington College of Business (at University of Florida).