Directory  »  Faculty  »  Aline Lanzrath

Photo of Aline Lanzrath

Aline Lanzrath

Visiting Research Scholar


Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Mannheim, Germany
Master of Science in Psychology, University of Mannheim, Germany /// ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Mannheim, Germany

Research Interest

Sales Management, Diversity Management, Pricing, Sustainable Purchasing, Innovation Adoption


Aline Lanzrath is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Mays Business School from September to December, joining from the University of Mannheim. Her research interests lie in the intersection of psychology, marketing, and sales, with a focus on B2B contexts. Her PhD research on talent and diversity management in sales has been published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) and the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management (JPSSM). Beyond investigating the key drivers of sales and pricing performance in complex B2B environments, she is passionate about exploring how marketing and sales strategies can address broader challenges, such as sustainability or patient-centric healthcare, by aligning business goals with social and environmental impact. In her more recent projects, Aline applies psychological principles to better understand how business decision-makers process information and make purchasing decisions, particularly in the context of firm-level innovation adoption.

Outside of academia, she works as a Senior Research Consultant in an international consultancy, advising clients in the medical technology sector on sales and pricing strategies while also supporting post-merger integration efforts. Moreover, she leverages her research expertise in talent and diversity management by supporting a startup focused on aptitude diagnostics as a psychometrician and content marketing expert.

Research Publications

Lanzrath, A., Homburg, C., and Ruhnau, R., (2023). “Women’s underrepresentation in business-to business sales: Reasons, contingencies, and solutions,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

Lanzrath, A., Homburg, C., and Ruhnau, R., (2023). “Increasing graduates’ interest in B2B Sales: how to dispel lay beliefs, fight stigma, and create a profession of choice,” Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.