Undergraduate Advising

The Undergraduate Advising Office (UAO) provides services to all Mays Business School undergraduate students. Students are encouraged to meet regularly with an academic advisor.

A group of students getting advised by an advisor.

Preregistration Drop-In Advising

The Mays Undergraduate Advising Office will offer express drop-in advising

  • Where: 238 Wehner
  • Dates: October 31 – November 15
  • Times: Mondays-Fridays 8:30-11:30am & 1:30-4:30pm

Check-in will start 30 minutes before advising sessions begin. Students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis.

How an Advisor Can Help You

A female walking up the stairs while looking back and smiling.

Advisors assist students with many academic matters including, but not limited to those listed here.

Registration Planning 

Class Selection

Declaring A Major

Q-Drop and Withdrawal 

Pre-Approval of Study Abroad Coursework

Request for Accommodations

College & University Policies, Procedures, & Requirements

Express Drop-In Advising

Mays offers Express Drop-in Advising for quick questions. Express Drop-in Advising meetings last no more than 15 minutes and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis with any available advisor.

Wehner 238

Express Drop-in Advising Hours:
The advising offices are closed when the university is closed.

Monday 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Thursday 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis.

An advisor helping a student on her computer.

Schedule an Appointment

Woman sitting at desk, using computer and writing in notebook

Mays offers 30-minute appointments that can be scheduled ahead of time with a specific advisor. These appointments allow for a more in-depth conversation and time to work through complex questions or concerns.


The advising offices are closed when the university is closed.

Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Find an Advisor

Staff Name Title Email Navigate Link
Claire Baker Academic Advisor escheppler@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Valeria Banda Academic Advisor vbanda@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Sean Clifford Academic Advisor sclifford@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Ethan Davison Academic Advisor edavison@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Josh Fleming Academic Advisor jfleming@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Emma Hammett Academic Advisor ehammett@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Abbey Johnson Academic Advisor acjohnson@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Landrie Jordan Academic Advisor ljordan@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Isabella McAvoy Academic Advisor imcavoy@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Sahrin Moytree Academic Advisor moytree@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Mariah Torres Academic Advisor mtorres@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Staff Name Title Email Navigate Link
Amber Garcia Advising Manager agarcia@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Ethan Davison Academic Advisor edavison@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Abbey Johnson Academic Advisor acjohnson@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Staff Name Title Email Navigate Link
Cheyenne Duhon Advising Manager cduhon@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Sean Clifford Academic Advisor sclifford@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Ethan Davison Academic Advisor edavison@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Emma Hammett Academic Advisor ehammett@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Abbey Johnson Academic Advisor acjohnson@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Landrie Jordan Academic Advisor ljordan@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Isabella McAvoy Academic Advisor imcavoy@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Sahrin Moytree Academic Advisor moytree@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Mariah Torres Academic Advisor mtorres@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Staff Name Title Email Navigate Link
Maria Gonzales Advising Manager m-gonzales@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Sean Clifford Academic Advisor sclifford@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Emma Hammett Academic Advisor ehammett@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Landrie Jordan Academic Advisor ljordan@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Staff Name Title Email Navigate Link
Kristen Lindholm Advising Manager klindholm@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Ethan Davison Academic Advisor edavison@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Isabella McAvoy Academic Advisor imcavoy@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Mariah Torres Academic Advisor mtorres@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Staff Name Title Email Navigate Link
Maria Gonzales Advising Manager m-gonzales@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Valeria Banda Academic Advisor vbanda@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Emma Hammett Academic Advisor ehammett@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Landrie Jordan Academic Advisor ljordan@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Staff Name Title Email Navigate Link
Kristen Lindholm Advising Manager klindholm@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Ethan Davison Academic Advisor edavison@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Isabella McAvoy Academic Advisor imcavoy@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Mariah Torres Academic Advisor mtorres@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Staff Name Title Email Navigate Link
Amber Garcia Advising Manager agarcia@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Ethan Davison Academic Advisor edavison@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Abbey Johnson Academic Advisor acjohnson@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting
Staff Name Title Email Navigate Link
Kristen Lindholm Advising Manager klindholm@mays.tamu.edu Schedule a meeting

Special Programs Advising

Students enrolled in a special program receive advising from the program office.  These include:

In addition, the Center for International Business Studies (CIBS) provides advising for students looking to study abroad or pursue a certificate in international business.

Also, the Career Center at Mays offers help to students researching roles and industries, preparing for an internship, or performing a job search.

A female advisor helping a student look through a course booklet.

Tips for Communicating with Advisors

A student and advisor talking in an advising office.
  • Use your @TAMU.edu account to email advisors
  • In the email subject, include a brief reason for the message
  • Always include your full name and UIN
  • Use courteous and professional language – not abbreviated text language
  • Do not reply to a mass email. Begin a new email
  • Allow 1-2 business days for a response
  • Do not send the same message multiple times
  • Read messages sent to you through TAMU email. Important information is sent this way, and students are responsible for the information sent.

Contact Us

The Undergraduate Advising Office has a culture of caring for every student and their success. To connect with our team, visit our directory page.

Still have questions? We are here to help.

Email: maysuao@mays.tamu.edu

Phone: 979-862-3850

Student Handbook

The Student Handbook provides information and references for B.B.A. students to fulfill responsibilities and degree program requirements in Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. It is to be regularly consulted for degree program guidance and supplemented with regular academic advisor meetings.