Alina Sorescu
Paula and Steve Letbetter '70 Chair in Business
Chancellor's EDGES Fellow
- asorescu@mays.tamu.edu
- 979-862-3043
- Wehner 201D
Ph.D. in Business Administration (Marketing), University of HoustonMaster of Statistics, University of Florida
BS in Mathematics, University of Bucharest
Research Interest
Innovation, Branding, Business Models, Marketing Finance Interface, Marketing Strategy / Quantitative ModelingBiography
Alina Sorescu is Professor of Marketing, Chancellor EDGES Fellow and holder of the Paula and Steve Letbetter’ 70 Chair in Business – Marketing at the Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. Her research focuses on business models, product portfolio decisions, branding, corporate social responsibility, acquisitions and alliances, and measuring the financial value of marketing actions. Her research appears in journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing and others. Alina was the coeditor of the International Journal of Research in Marketing and has served as an Associate Editor or an ERB member at the Journal of Marketing, where she was twice recognized with the best reviewer award, the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Her research awards include the Ricky W. Griffin Outstanding Research Achievement Award, the Strategic Management Society conference on Big Bang Innovation Best Proposal Award, the AMA John A. Howard Dissertation Award, the AMS Mary Kay Dissertation Award, the AMA Winter Conference Best Paper in the Marketing and Technology track, as well as multiple MSI research grants. Her teaching awards include the Montague Center for Teaching Excellence Scholar Award and the Association of Former Students Distinguished Teaching Award at the college and university level.
Research Publications
Moorman, C., Sorescu, A., & Tavassoli, N. T. (2023). “EXPRESS: Brands in the Labor Market: How vertical and horizontal brand differentiation impact pay and Profits through Employee-Brand Matching.” Journal of Marketing Research.
Cao, Z., Song, R., Sorescu, A., & Chua, A. (2023). “Innovation potential, insider sales, and IPO performance: How firms can mitigate the negative effect of insider selling.” Journal of Marketing, 002224292211344.
Cao, Z., & Sorescu, A. (2013). “Wedded bliss or tainted love? Stock market reactions to the introduction of cobranded products.” Marketing Science, 32(6), 939–959.
Ertekin, L., Sorescu, A., & Houston, M. B. (2018). “Hands off my Brand! The Financial Consequences of Protecting Brands through Trademark Infringement Lawsuits.” Journal of Marketing, 82(5), 45–65.
Nickerson, D., Lowe, M., Pattabhiramaiah, A., & Sorescu, A. (2021). “The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Sales: An Accountability Perspective.” Journal of Marketing, 86(2), 5–28.
Sorescu, A., & Sorescu, S. M. (2016). “Customer satisfaction and Long-Term stock returns.” Journal of Marketing, 80(5), 110–115.
Sorescu, A., Sorescu, S. M., Armstrong, W. J., & Devoldere, B. (2018). “Two centuries of innovations and stock market bubbles.” Marketing Science, 37(4), 507–529.
Swaminathan, V., Sorescu, A., Steenkamp, J. E., O’Guinn, T. C., & Schmitt, B. H. (2020). “Branding in a hyperconnected world: refocusing theories and rethinking boundaries.” Journal of Marketing, 84(2), 24–46.
Tavassoli, N. T., Sorescu, A., & Chandy, R. (2014). “Employee-Based Brand Equity: Why Firms with Strong Brands Pay Their Executives Less.” Journal of Marketing Research, 51(6), 676–690.
Warren, N. L., & Sorescu, A. (2017a). “Interpreting the Stock Returns to New Product Announcements: How the past Shapes Investors’ Expectations of the Future.” Journal of Marketing Research, 54(5), 799–815.
Warren, N. L., & Sorescu, A. (2017b). “When 1 + 1 > 2: How Investors React to New Product Releases Announced Concurrently with Other Corporate News.” Journal of Marketing, 81(2), 64–82.