Directory  »  Faculty  »  Michael Withers

Photo of Michael Withers

Michael Withers

Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship
Benton Cocanougher Chair in Business
Presidential Impact Fellow

Chancellor EDGES Fellow


PhD, Arizona State University

Research Interest

The management of resource dependencies, corporate governance, director selection and mobility, boards of directors, entrepreneurship

Courses Taught

MGMT 466
MGMT 680
MGMT 686
MGMT 618


Michael Withers is the Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship of Mays Business School. He is a professor of management and the Benton Cocanougher Chair in Business in the Department of Management. He received his Ph.D. in strategic management from the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. His research interests include corporate governance, director selection and mobility, and the management of resource dependencies through the board of directors. His research has been published in several journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, and Journal of Applied Psychology. He is an associate editor at the Journal of Management and an associate editor at Organizational Research Methods.