Shane A. Johnson
- sjohnson@mays.tamu.edu
- 979-862-3318
- Wehner 360R
Research Interest
Empirical corporate finance, executive compensation, corporate governance, empirical asset pricing, bankingBiography
Shane Johnson holds the Thomas W. Leland Memorial Chair in Finance at Texas A&M University. Prior to joining the Mays School in 2004, he was the Hermann Moyse, Jr. / Louisiana Bankers Association Endowed Chair of Banking and Professor of Finance at Louisiana State University.
His primary interests are in corporate finance and banking. He has published extensively on a wide variety of finance topics and serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Banking and Finance. In addition to university teaching and research, he has taught managerial and executive education seminars on corporate finance and banking topics in various federal, state, and university-sponsored programs. He has also served as an expert witness in a number of litigation-related assignments involving economic damages, valuation, and executive compensation.
Click here for my Google Scholar page.
Click here for research papers at my SSRN page.
Selected publications:
Redaction as Cross-Regulatory Disclosure Avoidance (with Y. Floros and W. Zhao). Journal of Accounting Research, forthcoming.
The Dynamics of Borrower Reputation Following Financial Misreporting, (with S. Chava and K. Huang). Management Science, 2018.
Redacting Information at the Initial Public Offering, (with A. Boone and Y. Floros). Journal of Financial Economics, 2016.
Optimal Inside Debt Compensation and the Value of Equity and Debt, (with C. Campbell and N. Galpin). Journal of Financial Economics, 2016.
CEO Optimism and Forced Turnover, (with C. Campbell, M. Gallmeyer, J. Rutherford, and B. Stanley), Journal of Financial Economics, 2011.
A Reexamination of Corporate Governance and Equity Prices, (with T. Moorman and S. Sorescu), Review of Financial Studies, 2009. See SSRN or RFS website for updated results (through 2007) for this paper.
Managerial Compensation and Corporate Fraud: The Sources of Incentives Matter, (with H. Ryan and Y. Tian), Review of Finance, 2009.
Dividend Policy, Signaling, and Discounts on Closed-End Funds, (with J.C. Lin and K. Song), Journal of Financial Economics, September 2006.
Debt Maturity and the Effects of Growth Opportunities and Liquidity Risk on Leverage, Review of Financial Studies, Spring 2003.
The Impact of Specialist Firm Acquisitions on Market Quality (with B. Hatch), Journal of Financial Economics, October 2002.
The Value and Incentive Effects of Non-traditional Executive Stock Options, (with Y. Tian), Journal of Financial Economics, July 2000.
Indexed Executive Stock Options, (with Y. Tian), Journal of Financial Economics, July 2000.
A Reexamination of the Motives and Gains in Joint Ventures, (with M. Houston), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, March 2000.
An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Corporate Debt Ownership Structure, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, March 1997.
Dividend Payout and the Valuation Effects of Bond Announcements, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, September 1995.