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Photo of Brady Twedt

Brady Twedt

Arthur Andersen Chair in Accounting

Research Interest

Capital markets, information intermediaries, voluntary disclosure


Professor Twedt is the Arthur Andersen Chair in Accounting at Texas A&M University. He conducts empirical capital markets research. His research interests include information intermediaries such as the business press and financial analysts, as well as firms’ voluntary and mandatory disclosures. His research on these topics has been published in leading journals including the Journal of Accounting and EconomicsThe Accounting ReviewReview of Accounting StudiesContemporary Accounting Research, and Management Science. He currently serves on the editorial boards of The Accounting Review and Contemporary Accounting Research. Dr. Twedt teaches undergraduate and PhD level courses, and has won multiple teaching awards.

Research Publications

Promotional Press Releases and Investor Processing Costs, with Caleb Rawson and Jessica Watkins. 2025. Forthcoming in Management Science.

Common Media Holding Companies and the Uniqueness of Business Press Content, with Kenneth Merkley, Joseph Pacelli, and Flora Sun. 2025. The Accounting Review 100: 381-405.

Curbing Enthusiasm: Media Sentiment and the Disciplining Role of Quarterly Earnings Announcements, with Eric Holzman and Brian Miller. 2023. The Accounting Review 98: 1-31

Earnings Virality, with Brett Campbell, Michael Drake, and Jacob Thornock. 2023. Journal of Accounting and Economics 75: 101517.

Managers’ Strategic Use of Concurrent Disclosure: Evidence from 8-K Filings and Press Releases, with Caleb Rawson and Jessica Watkins. 2023. The Accounting Review 98: 345-371.

Brokerage Relationships and Analyst Forecasts: Evidence from the Protocol for Broker Recruiting, with Braiden Coleman, Michael Drake, and Joseph Pacelli. 2023. Review of Accounting Studies 28: 2075-2103.

Brokerage House IPOs and Analyst Forecast Quality, with Mark Bradshaw, Michael Drake, and Joseph Pacelli. 2023. Management Science 69: 7079-7094.

Social Media Analysts and Sell-Side Analyst Research, with Michael Drake, Robbie Moon, and James Warren. 2023. Review of Accounting Studies 28: 385-420.

Political Bias in the Media’s Coverage of Firms’ Earnings Announcements, with Lynn Rees. 2022. The Accounting Review 97: 389-411.

The Incremental Value Relevance of Media Coverage of Earnings Announcements: Evidence from the Trading of Short Sellers, with Lynn Rees. 2021. Accounting Horizons 35: 143-165.

Trading Prior to the Disclosure of Material Information: Evidence from Regulation Fair Disclosure Form 8-Ks, with John Campbell and Benjamin Whipple. 2021. Contemporary Accounting Research 38: 412-442.

Analyst Forecast Bundling, with Michael Drake, Peter Joos, and Joseph Pacelli. 2020. Management Science 66: 4024-4046.

Does Business Strategy Impact a Firm’s Information Environment? with Kathleen Bentley and Tom Omer. 2019. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance 34: 563-587.

Increased Mandated Disclosure Frequency and Price Formation: Evidence from the 8-K Expansion Regulation, with Jeff McMullin and Brian Miller. 2019. Review of Accounting Studies 24: 1-33.

The Internet as an Information Intermediary, with Michael Drake and Jacob Thornock. 2017. Review of Accounting Studies 22: 543-576.

Spreading the Word: Price Discovery and Newswire Dissemination of Management Earnings Guidance. Sole authored. 2016. The Accounting Review 91: 317-346.

Who’s Heard on the Street? Determinants and Consequences of Financial Analyst Coverage in the Business Press, with Lynn Rees and Nathan Sharp. 2015. Review of Accounting Studies 20: 173-209.

The Media and Mispricing: The Role of the Business Press in the Pricing of Accounting Information, with Michael Drake and Nicholas Guest. 2014. The Accounting Review 89: 1673-1701.

Reading Between the Lines: An Empirical Examination of Qualitative Attributes of Financial Analysts’ Reports, with Lynn Rees. 2012. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 31: 1-21.

The Stock Price Effects from Downward Earnings Guidance Versus Beating Analysts’ Forecasts: Which Effect Dominates? with Lynn Rees. 2011. Accounting and Business Research 41: 95-118.

Fraud Score Analysis in Emerging Markets, with Chris Skousen. 2009. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal 16: 301-316.