Non-Business Majors
Cultivate your talents for the business community by learning from collaborative, innovative and caring culture. Mays students are committed to Texas A&M’s core values of excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect and selfless service. Get prepared for success in both your personal and professional future through the Mays Business School!

Business Minor
Mays Business School offers a business minor for undergraduate non-business majors. A business minor will provide students with a foundation in business knowledge to compliment their major.
High Impact Opportunities

Mays offers a wide range of leadership opportunities to which non-business majors can apply. These programs and courses provide students opportunities to learn about specific industries and gain real world experience through engagement with leading experts in each field.
4+1 Master’s Opportunities
Mays offers Master’s of Science programs that cater to non-business majors giving them the ability to graduate in 5 years with a bachelor and masters degree.

Academic Departments